Price Transparency
Price Transparency
In January 2021 The Law Society of Scotland issued Price Transparency Guidance the purpose of which is to encourage solicitors to take steps to publish price information in a way that is easily accessible, prominent and understandable for clients. The thinking is that this will allow customers to make an informed choice of legal service provider without the need to submit detailed information in order to obtain information on price.
The guidance does not apply to legal services provided to businesses or any legally aided matter.
In our view there are two important points to bear in mind:
1. When a solicitor is first instructed to carry out a piece of work on behalf of a client it is impossible to know how much work will be required to finish the job. We accept the clients often wish to know roughly how much fees and outlays will amount to but clients have to understand that fee quotations are always approximate.
2. It is important for every client that the quality of service and advice given is always good. In our view a client’s choice of solicitor should not be driven by price. It makes sense for a client to choose a solicitor who is experienced and competent. Such solicitors are almost always not the cheapest.
Fixed Fee Quotes
If the client wishes a fixed fee quotation, then we are happy to provide that for certain types of business such as preparation of Wills and Powers of Attorney and the sale and purchase of residential property, undefended divorce actions and Simplified Divorce applications. Such fee quotes are given on the basis that the work undertaken is normal for a transaction of that kind and the quotation makes clear that if unusual or exceptional circumstances arise which require additional work then an additional fee would have to be charged.